Tuesday, August 31, 2010

RIEA interview

Honored to be a featured interview on the Research Institute for Experimental Architecture / Cluster site:


Thanx to Corrado, Marcia, and Donatella

Friday, August 6, 2010

3A models

More images coming from Gene, an amazing photographer.

This is one of the 4 3A models Kevin and I did for the Mark Horton Gallery exhibition in SF, circa 2001.
"24 hrs"... 12 to construct, 12 to paint/"graphcise". GREAT exercise. WIll try to locate the accompanying drawing.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Highline competition comparisons

Have been asked recently about the Highline competition I did with Cameron Crocket some time ago. Looking back over our entry, I thought it might be interesting to post a comparison image with some sketches... both showing the invasive/mutational philosophy of Mechudzu©... both showing the cyborgology connection of organic muscle tissue infused with kinetic machines...

I think they also show the [perhaps limited?] vocabulary translates from [and I don't like using these terms] "image" to "3D space/build-able" form fairly well.

I'll post a couple more as i get the comparisons done.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sketchbook: desert rumblings

Long weekend in Arizona desert. Mesmerized by the collision of the flat and barren with the violent vertical and life.... a device/system/condition that looks to stratify the layers and the organizational intent. Or perhaps only to document.

Also looking at the impact of comic framing as a narrative document. 

quick study 01